Newsletter 4
24 April 2022
B O O K L A U N C H E S & A W A R D S

A Resounding Success for the Best Book of TKE's CEO, Fayyaz Baqir - Social Transformation in Pakistan: The Art and Science of Linking with the "Other"

TKE is proud to announce that the book by Fayyaz Baqir received the Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan Memorial Book Award 2021 from the Council of Social Sciences of Pakistan. This Award is given each year to the best book written in English, Urdu, or other Pakistani languages by a Pakistani scholar in one of the following fields: rural/urban development, poverty and its alleviation, peace, or gender discrimination. The Award was presented in Islamabad on March 15, 2022 by the former minister of Finance of Pakistan, Mr. Sartaj Aziz, and a keynote address on the legacy of Akhter Hameed Khan was delivered by the former Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, Dr. Ishrat Hussain.
"Social Transformation in Pakistan: The Art and Science of Linking with the 'Other'" was first launched at Trent University (Peterborough, Canada) on October 21, 2021, as an initiative of Scholars at Risk Trent, with guest speakers Shoaib Sultan Khan and Kazue Takamura (please click here to watch a recording of the event on TKE’s YouTube channel). This was then followed by a second launch on October 24, during the inauguration of Shoaib Sultan Khan Resource Centre, in Gilgit, Pakistan.

Initially published on Kindle (click here to view the Kindle edition, available on Amazon), the book is now also available as a paperback since February (click here to view the paperback edition, also on Amazon).

About the Author

Fayyaz Baqir is a writer. He served as senior advisor on civil society at the United Nations, and CEO of Trust for Voluntary Organizations. He received top contributors’ awards from UNDP’s global poverty reduction network.

Visit TKE’s website for more.

Review of "Beyond Free Market: Social Inclusion and Globalization" in Journal of International Development Studies

Published earlier this year by TKE’s CEO, Fayyaz Baqir, and illustrated by Isaac Olaleye, Developmental Studies 101: Old Tales Retold continues to receive praise.

Published in May 2021 and edited by Fayyaz Baqir and Sanni Yaya, "Beyond Free Market: Social Inclusion and Globalization" was recently reviewed in the Journal of International Development Studies (November, 2021, Vol. 30, No.2, pp.187-190), a journal issued by the Japan Society for International Development. For Japanese-speaking readers, please click here to read the review.

The book is still available for purchase here.

Talk by Fayyaz Baqir at Carlton University on "The Missing Link in Development Policy: Learning from Target Beneficiaries"

Organized through a collaboration between the students of the School of Public Policy and Administration and the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), a talk by Fayyaz Baqir was held on November 4, 2021 on the topic of The Missing Link in Development Policy: Learning from Target Beneficiaries.

“Development assistance agencies frame the problem of underdevelopment and poverty as problems of lack of access to financial resources. This formulation overlooks the difference in the use of resources as subsidies or investments. Failure of development assistance to produce the required result is also seen as a failure in creating access and ignores the critical role of human agency. Experience in South Asia, a region with the highest concentration of poor in the world, shows that development assistance becomes ineffective if it is not used as an investment in human and social agency. Understanding the central role of agency comes with the capacity to learn from people. This talk also drew on experience in South Asia to make the case for learning from the people as a precondition for policy success.”
K N O W L E D G E S H A R I N G & R E S O U R C E S

Welcome to TKE's New Knowledge Center!

In line with TKE’s objective of fostering collaboration and mutual learning, the TKE website now boasts a new and improved Knowledge Center. In this section, readers can find short lessons on basic concepts central to TKE’s work and mission, as well as a wealth of publications and resources on related topics - some even available in full, for free.

Suggested Reading - Interview with Professor Tammy Gaber on her New Book "Beyond the Divide: A Century of Canadian Mosque Design"

For readers with an interest in architecture, TKE suggests reading this interview (March 23, 2022) from the Simerg team with author Tammy Gaber, director and associate professor at the McEwen School of Architecture of Laurentian University (Sudbury, Canada), about her new book, “Beyond the Divide: A Century of Canadian Mosque Design” (February, 2022).

As per the publisher, McGill-Queen’s University Press, as “[t]he first comprehensive study of mosque history and architecture in Canada, Beyond the Divide reveals the mosque to be a dynamic building type that adapts to its context, from its climate and physical environment to the community it serves. Above all, mosque designs depend on the people who gather in them, and what those people strive for their mosques to be.” In the interview, Professor Garber also discusses how she sought to center her study on women’s presence and participation in mosques and the relation with their architecture.

To read the interview, please click here: Simerg in Conversation with Dr. Tammy Gaber, Author of a Stunning and Insightful New Book on Canadian Mosques Over the Past Century

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Dev Talk

A series of talks initiated by The Knowledge Executive to narrate the stories of trailblazing social entrepreneurs of Pakistan.